Thursday, August 23, 2007

Summer's Almost Over! :-(

I can't believe how quickly it's flown by...
We have had a great time here in beautiful Cape Cod, and we have the pics to show it! Nolan just turned 3 a couple of weeks ago, and Madelyn starts her last year of preschool in 2 weeks.
As much fun as we've had this summer, we are all looking forward to the slower pace of fall and no more traffic over the bridges!! :-)
Our summertime job will sadly be ending shortly, and we'll be babysitting for a new family with 2 adorable little girls starting mid-September. We'll miss our summer friends immensely, but something tells me we'll continue to keep in touch throughout the year. Believe it or not, we still travel to Sutton, MA to hang out with Hallie and Sophie 2 days a week! We stay overnight at my sister's to cut down the commute. It's worked out well, as it gives Matt a weekday to see the kids and me some much-needed "me time"!
Enjoy the last few days of summer, everyone, and keep in touch!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Friday, June 15, 2007

The summer parties begin! :-)

With Chris at the ALS graduation dinner 6/8

Bristol, RI Memorial Day weekend

Photo from Donna and Matt :-)

Bristol, RI Memorial Day weekend

Photo from Donna and Matt :-)

It's about time... :-)

So many of you have been inquiring about the big changes in our lives lately, so here's my feeble attempt at a site to keep you all posted.
As most of you know, in May we made a major transition and moved out to Sandwich, MA, with my boyfriend Chris. While it's obviously been quite an adjustment for all of us (I seriously am considering volunteering for a reality show..ha!), we are very happy with our decision and very much looking forward to what the future holds. Chris is amazing with the kids; while it's quite a task for a guy living alone to jump into "family mode", he has handled it wonderfully. And willingly, which is HUGE in my book. :-) He adores the kids, and the feeling is more than mutual!
Matt is still as great of a dad as ever, and the kids see him as much as they did before. He and Donna live in Providence now, so it's not too bad of a drive.
Other than dealing with the onslaught of summer traffic, it's great down here on the Cape. Life is just...slower. Well, for most people here.:-)
Me, I've kept my job in Sutton 2 days a week, and added on another nanny job in Sagamore Beach for the remaining 3 days. Yes, it's a lot of driving, but I love what I do, and the kids I take care of, so it makes it all worthwhile. Besides, the kids are in for a great summer of playing with their best friends all day, every day! This means long naps and early bedtimes...yay!!! :-)
I'll try to keep all of you updated with pictures as the summer goes on. That's all I'll promise for!!
Have a great summer all!