Thursday, April 17, 2008

Just Lovely

I might not get on here much to upload photos and update all of you on my life, but at least you can be sure that when I finally do, you'll have a plethora of major life changes to read about. So...grab your coffee, pull up a comfy chair, and check out the life of the Youngs et al over the past 8 months. :-)
We are still out on the Cape, though minus one star of our little soap opera. On November 14th of 2007, Chris got on a plane bound for Clear Air Force Station in Alaska. The USAF was so kind as to give us exactly 2 months notice prior to this assignment. Two months of absolute chaos, which included repacking dozens of boxes we had just unpacked, finding a new, smaller house for the kids and I to rent, and cutting short the happy little family life we enjoyed so much over the summer.
Chris' assignment is for one year, and while the idea of moving back to RI (with family) was tempting, I decided to tough out the winter on the Cape with the kids. Madelyn had just started a great new preschool, and I have 3 (yes...THREE!)babysitting jobs out here which I adore. We were happy out here, and I wanted to keep some sort of consistency and familiarity in the kids' lives.
Five months later, and finally at the silver lining of a cold and dreary Cape Cod winter, I'm glad I made the choice to stay. Madelyn had an amazing year at preschool, and they have so much fun every day hanging out with all the different kids we take care of. I'm excited for the upcoming warm weather... we are so lucky to live in a place so abundant with activities and attractions, and I fully intend to take advantage of it all!
I won't lie, this time apart has definitely had an impact on my relationship with Chris, but I'm happy to say we're still going strong. We talk daily, and we got webcams so the kids can still see him face-to-face. He was able to come home for Valentine's Day, and will be coming back again for 2 1/2 weeks in late June! We're pretty psyched about that. :-)
At this point we're all just taking it day by day, and trying to keep ourselves super busy to pass the time. The kids and I head to RI every weekend, so Matt can spend some time with the kids, and I can go to a REAL mall..haha!...and catch up with some friends and family. I also have a job at a bar in East Providence on most Saturday nights. So...let's just say the weeks FLY by!
I've thrown up some pics from Christmas, Easter, the trip to Aruba that Chris and I were so lucky to be able to take 2 weeks before he left, my milestone birthday, and a couple of other random photos. So go get a refill on your coffee, and enjoy!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

We're glad you stuck around too!